How to host a website on GitHub

In this article, we’ll show you how to host a website on GitHub. GitHub allows us to publish and share a website for free on the GitHub server.

Note: As per my analysis, currently we can host/publish only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript projects.

1. What we’ll need

Before publishing a website on the GitHub server and make it live, we need a couple of things ready.

  1. GitHub account that we can create free of cost.
  2. A public repository where we push/upload our project.
  3. Eye-catching  HTML, CSS, and JavaScript project that we’ll publish.

1.1 GitHub Account

GitHub allows users to create a free account on their server.

Websparrow- Free GitHub Account Sign Up

1.2 Public Repository

After creating a GitHub account, the second step is to create a public repository where we push/host a website.

1. Login to your GitHub account and click on the button or + (plus) icon » New repository from the top right corner or directly type  in the web browser address bar.

2. Choose a name for the repository, add some description (not mandatory), check the Public radio button, and finally click on the Create repository button.

Websparrow- Create repository on GitHub free

1.3 Create Project

Now the third and final step is to create a website that we’ll host/publish on the GitHub server. For saving some time, I have already created an HTML and CSS website, you can also download it for testing.

Download Source Code:

2. Pushing on GitHub Server

Once the website template created, the next step is to upload or push it on the GitHub server. We can do that in multiple ways:

2.1 GitHub GUI

We can directly upload our website contents using GitHub graphical user interface. To do that:

1. Head to the repository, click on the Add file » Upload files, choose all the related files and folders of the project.

Websparrow- GitHub GUI to upload files

2.2 Git Command Line

We can also push our website/project using Git command lines. GitHub offers the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git.

[ Git commands to be discussed in a separate article. We’ll update you very soon. ]

3. Configuration

The last and final step before making the website live, we have to configure the repository by changes one setting. To do that:

1. Click on the Setting tab of the repository.

Websparrow- GitHub repository settings

2. Scroll down to the bottom of the Setting‘s page and search for “GitHub Pages“. Select the branch name in which you have uploaded the website/project files. In our case, we have uploaded it to the master branch.

Websparrow- GitHub Pages settings

3. Hit the Save button. It will refresh the page. Go back again to “GitHub Pages”  where you will find a URL of the live website.

How to host a website on GitHub


Congratulations 🙂 You have published your website on the GitHub server successfully for free. You can check ours for reference.



  1. GitHub Pages
  2. Bootstrap

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About the Author

Atul Rai
I love sharing my experiments and ideas with everyone by writing articles on the latest technological trends. Read all published posts by Atul Rai.