How to create Token in Java

In this article, we will show you a few ways to create/generate a unique token in Java. Creating a unique […]

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Lambda Expressions in Java 8

Java 8 brought a game-changing feature to the world of programming: lambda expressions. These concise and expressive constructs revolutionized the […] Continue reading »

Java 8 Default and Static Methods in Interfaces

Java 8 brought a significant enhancement to interfaces by introducing default and static methods. These additions allowed developers to evolve […] Continue reading »

Java 8 Stream generate() Method

In this article, we will explore the generate() method provided by Java 8 Stream API. The generate() method is a […] Continue reading »

Oracle: LIMIT Clause

The LIMIT clause, also referred to as the “row limiting clause” is a SQL feature that enables you to restrict […] Continue reading »

Oracle: TRUNC(number) Function

In this article, we’ll explore the TRUNC(number) function. The TRUNC(number) function in Oracle SQL is used to truncate or shorten […] Continue reading »

Java Records: Simplify Data Classes

The record keyword was introduced in Java 16. It is a feature that simplifies the creation of classes for data […] Continue reading »

Oracle: TRUNC(date) Function

Oracle’s TRUNC(date) function is a useful tool for trimming or eliminating the time component from dates. The TRUNC(date) function allows […] Continue reading »

Oracle: RANK() vs. DENSE_RANK() Function

In Oracle SQL, both RANK() and DENSE_RANK() are window functions that are used to assign a ranking to each row […] Continue reading »


MySQL LIMIT is a clause used in SQL queries to restrict the number of rows returned from a database table. […] Continue reading »

Oracle: RANK() Function

In this blog, we will explore the concept of the RANK() function in the Oracle database. The RANK() function in […] Continue reading »

Oracle: DENSE_RANK() Function

The DENSE_RANK() function in Oracle is used to assign a unique rank to each distinct row within a result set […] Continue reading »

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