Difference between @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize Annotations in Spring Security

Spring Security is a powerful framework that provides robust authentication and authorization features for Java applications. Among its many capabilities, it offers the ability to control method-level access to secure your application. Two commonly used annotations for this purpose are @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize. In this blog, we will explore the key differences between these two annotations and how they can be used effectively in your Spring Security configuration.

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1. @PreAuthorize

The @PreAuthorize annotation is used to specify access control before a method is executed. It allows you to define access restrictions based on a condition that is evaluated before the method body is executed. Here are some important points to understand about @PreAuthorize:

  1. Pre-Execution Condition: The condition specified in @PreAuthorize is evaluated before the method execution. If the condition is not satisfied, the method will not be executed.
  2. Method Parameter Access: You can reference method parameters and other Spring Security expressions within the condition to determine whether access should be granted. For example, you can check if the current user has a specific role or permission to access a particular resource.
  3. Usage: @PreAuthorize is typically used for guarding methods that perform sensitive or critical operations. It acts as a gatekeeper to ensure that only authorized users can execute these methods.


public void deleteUser(User user) {
    // Delete user logic

In this example, the deleteUser method can only be executed by users with the ‘ROLE_ADMIN’ authority.

2. @PostAuthorize

The @PostAuthorize annotation, on the other hand, is used to perform access control after a method has executed. It allows you to filter the results of a method based on a condition. Here’s what you should know about @PostAuthorize:

  1. Post-Execution Filtering: The condition specified in @PostAuthorize is evaluated after the method has been executed. It allows you to filter or modify the method’s return value based on the condition.
  2. Method Return Value Access: You can reference the return value of the method and other Spring Security expressions in the condition to determine if the result should be filtered.
  3. Usage: @PostAuthorize is commonly used when you want to filter the results of a method to ensure that only authorized data is returned to the user. For instance, you can use it to filter a list of records to show only those accessible by the current user.


@PostAuthorize("returnObject.owner == authentication.name")
public Record getRecord(int recordId) {
    // Retrieve and return the record

In this example, the getRecord method will return the record only if the owner of the record matches the currently authenticated user.

3. Summary

In summary, @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize are powerful tools in Spring Security for controlling method-level access. The key difference lies in when they evaluate access control conditions: @PreAuthorize checks before the method execution, while @PostAuthorize filters the results after the method has executed.

4. References

  1. Method Security- Spring Doc
  2. Spring Boot + Spring Security Authentication with LDAP
  3. Spring Security Role Based Authorization Example

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Atul Rai
I love sharing my experiments and ideas with everyone by writing articles on the latest technological trends. Read all published posts by Atul Rai.