Spring’s @Autowired vs. @Resource vs. @Inject Annotations

When working with the Spring Framework, dependency injection is a fundamental concept that simplifies application development and management. Spring provides several ways to inject dependencies into your components, and three common annotations used for this purpose are @Autowired, @Resource, and @Inject. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences, similarities, and best use cases for these annotations to help you make an informed choice when implementing dependency injection in your Spring applications.

1. @Autowired Annotation

The @Autowired annotation is one of the most commonly used annotations for dependency injection in Spring. It allows automatic wiring of beans by type. When you annotate a field, constructor, or method with @Autowired, Spring searches for a bean of the same type and injects it. If multiple beans of the same type exist, Spring will throw an exception unless you specify a primary bean.

private MyService myService;


  • Type-based injection: It simplifies wiring beans based on their type, making it intuitive and less error-prone.
  • No need for XML configuration: @Autowired is powerful when combined with component scanning and doesn’t require XML configurations.


  • Less control: You might run into issues if there are multiple candidate beans of the same type.

2. @Resource Annotation

The @Resource annotation is a Java EE standard for dependency injection. It allows you to inject beans by name. You can use @Resource to specify the name of the bean you want to inject.

@Resource(name = "myService")
private MyService myService;


  • Name-based injection: It provides more control over which bean to inject if multiple beans of the same type exist.
  • Works with other frameworks: @Resource is not Spring-specific, so you can use it in Java EE environments.


  • Java EE-specific: While @Resource is a standard Java EE annotation, it’s not as widely used in the Spring ecosystem, which may lead to reduced consistency in your codebase.

3. @Inject Annotation

The @Inject annotation is part of the Java Dependency Injection (JSR-330) standard. It’s similar to @Autowired but offers a more fine-grained way to specify the injection point. You can use @Inject at the constructor, method, or field level.

private MyService myService;


  • Type-based injection: Like @Autowired, it allows type-based injection.
  • Standardized: It follows a standardized approach to dependency injection, making your code more portable across different frameworks.


  • Spring version compatibility: Ensure that you have the required Spring version (4.3 or later) to use @Inject.
  • Less control compared to @Resource: You have less control when compared to @Resource in cases where you need to specify a specific bean by name.

4. Choosing the Right Annotation

The choice between @Autowired, @Resource, and @Inject largely depends on your specific use case and preferences. Here are some general guidelines to help you decide:

  • Use @Autowired when you want simple type-based injection and don’t require fine-grained control over which bean to inject.
  • Use @Resource when you need more control over the bean name, especially if there are multiple candidates of the same type.
  • Use @Inject when you prefer standardized annotations and are okay with less fine-grained control compared to @Resource.

In practice, many Spring developers predominantly use @Autowired due to its simplicity and power when combined with component scanning. However, it’s essential to understand the strengths and weaknesses of all three annotations to make informed decisions based on your project’s requirements.


In the Spring Framework, @Autowired, @Resource, and @Inject are all valuable tools for managing dependencies within your application. Your choice should be based on your specific use case and the level of control you need over the dependency injection process. Understanding the differences between these annotations allows you to write cleaner, more maintainable code and take full advantage of the Spring Framework’s capabilities.


  1. Spring @Autowired Annotation Example
  2. Spring’s @Resource Annotation
  3. Spring autowiring using @Resource and @Inject annotation example

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Atul Rai
I love sharing my experiments and ideas with everyone by writing articles on the latest technological trends. Read all published posts by Atul Rai.