Difference Between @Component and @ComponentScan Annotations in Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building Java applications, and it provides a wide range of annotations to simplify the development process. Two commonly used annotations are @Component and @ComponentScan, and they play essential roles in managing beans and component scanning within your Spring Boot application. This blog will explore the differences between these annotations, provide examples of their usage, and explain when to choose the right one for your specific use case.

1. @Component Annotation

The @Component annotation is used to declare a class as a Spring bean. A Spring bean is a reusable and manageable object that is managed by the Spring IoC (Inversion of Control) container. Beans declared with @Component are automatically discovered during component scanning, and the Spring container creates and manages an instance of the class.

Let’s consider a simple example. Suppose you have a class Car that you want to declare as a Spring bean:

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class Car {
    // Class implementation here

In this example, the Car class is annotated with @Component, making it a Spring-managed bean. You can then inject this bean into other classes using @Autowired or retrieve it from the application context.

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2. @ComponentScan Annotation

The @ComponentScan annotation, on the other hand, is used to specify the base package(s) for component scanning. Component scanning is the process by which Spring Boot automatically discovers and registers beans within the specified package(s).

For example, let’s assume you have multiple classes annotated with @Component in different packages, and you want to instruct Spring Boot to scan these packages for beans:

import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"org.websparrow.package1", "org.websparrow.package2"})
public class AppConfig {
    // Configuration class

In this example, the @ComponentScan annotation is used in a configuration class (AppConfig) to specify the base packages where Spring Boot should search for components annotated with @Component. Spring Boot will scan these packages and automatically create and manage beans for any classes annotated with @Component within those packages.

3. Choosing the Right Annotation

Now that we understand the purpose of both @Component and @ComponentScan, let’s discuss when to choose the right annotation for your Spring Boot application.

3.1 Use @Component when:

  1. You want to declare a specific class as a Spring bean.
  2. The class is not part of a package that is subject to component scanning.
  3. You want to have fine-grained control over individual bean registrations.

3.2 Use @ComponentScan when:

  1. You have multiple classes with @Component annotations in various packages.
  2. You want to scan for beans in specific packages, including third-party libraries.
  3. You want to configure component scanning at the package level.
  4. You prefer a more automatic and convention-based approach to bean registration.

In most cases, you will use a combination of both annotations in your Spring Boot application. You can use @Component to explicitly declare beans for your custom classes and @ComponentScan to perform automatic scanning of beans within specific packages.


In conclusion, understanding the distinction between @Component and @ComponentScan is crucial for effectively managing Spring beans in your application. By choosing the right annotation for the appropriate use case, you can ensure your Spring Boot application runs efficiently and smoothly.


  1. Annotation Interface Component
  2. Annotation Interface ComponentScan
  3. Spring’s @Resource Annotation

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Atul Rai
I love sharing my experiments and ideas with everyone by writing articles on the latest technological trends. Read all published posts by Atul Rai.