Getting Started with Git and Setup Development Environment

Git is a distributed version control system commonly used for managing and tracking changes in source code during software development. […]

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Java 8 Collectors.groupingBy() Method Example

In this blog post, we will explore the Collectors.groupingBy() method, a valuable tool for grouping elements in a stream based […] Continue reading »

Find nth Largest elements from Integer List using Java Stream

To find the nth highest elements from an integer list using Java 8 Stream API, you can follow these steps: […] Continue reading »

Java 8 – Find Non Duplicate Elements from List

In Java 8, you can use the Stream API and lambda expression features to find the non-duplicates element from a […] Continue reading »

IntelliJ IDEA- Undo and Redo Shortcut Keys

If you are switching to IntelliJ IDEA from any other integrated development environment, you might notice the shortcut key combinations […] Continue reading »

React useCallback Hook: Optimize Your Functional Components

In the world of React, performance is a crucial aspect of building efficient and responsive applications. As applications grow in […] Continue reading »

IntelliJ IDEA – Disable Method Chains Inlay Hints

In the IntelliJ IDEA, you can disable the method chains inlay hints from the setting. Follow the below steps for […] Continue reading »

Java ReentrantLock Example

In Java, ReentrantLock is a synchronization mechanism provided by the java.util.concurrent.locks package. It is an implementation of the Lock interface […] Continue reading »

React useRef Hook

In this blog, we will explore the useRef hook, understand its usage in applications, and create some real-world examples. The […] Continue reading »

Exploring React useContext Hook

The useContext hook is a built-in React hook that facilitates the sharing of data between components without relying on props […] Continue reading »

How to remove vertical line from editor pane in IntelliJ IDEA

In IntelliJ IDEA, you might notice there is an annoying vertical line appearing in the code editor pane. P.S. Tested […] Continue reading »

Java 8- Find the nth Highest Salary

In this short article, you will learn how to find the nth highest salary of an employee using Java Streams […] Continue reading »

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