Java Tutorials

How to count total number of class objects created in Java

This example will help you to understand how to count the total number of class objects created in Java. 1. […] Continue reading »

Remove All Special Character from String in Java

In Java, to remove all special character form a given string, we can use the replaceAll(String regex, String replacement) method […] Continue reading »

Java 8 Predicate vs Function: A Comparison with Examples

Java 8 introduced several new features to enhance the language’s functional programming capabilities. Among these features are Predicates and Functions, […] Continue reading »

HashSet vs TreeSet in Java

HashSet vs TreeSet in Java- A Comparison of Set Implementations: The Set interface provides an unordered collection of unique elements […] Continue reading »

Difference between ArrayList and Vector in Java

ArrayList and Vector are two commonly used classes in Java that provide dynamic arrays. They are similar in many ways […] Continue reading »

Java- Return the Squares of a Sorted Array in Sorted Order

In this Java exercise, you have an integer array sorted in non-decreasing order, and you must return an array of […] Continue reading »

Java- Convert a Degree to Clock Time

Write a Java program to convert a degree to the clock time with hour: minute format. Assume if… Degree 0 […] Continue reading »

How to schedule a Task in Java

In Java to run/execute a task periodically or at some interval, we can use the TimerTask class from its java.util […] Continue reading »

Java- Print all duplicate elements from a List

In Java, we have multiple ways to find duplicate elements in a List. We can loop through the List and […] Continue reading »

Find second index of a substring in a String in Java

In Java, we can use the overloaded method indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) of the String class to get the second […] Continue reading »

Java- Count number of pairs in the Array whose sum is zero

This Java example will help to solve a given scenario. Scenario: Write down a Java program that calculates the number […] Continue reading »

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