Java Tutorials

System.arraycopy() vs. Arrays.copyOf() in Java

In Java, both Arrays.copyOf() and System.arraycopy() are methods used to copy elements from one array to another. But, they are […] Continue reading »

Java Objects Class Example

The Objects utility class is part of java.util package and was introduced in Java 1.7. It provides static methods that […] Continue reading »

Java StringJoiner Class: Simplify String Concatenation

Java 8 introduced a new utility class called StringJoiner, which provides a convenient and expressive way to join strings together […] Continue reading »

Java throw and throws Keywords

In this blog post, we will explore the purpose and usage of Java’s throw and throws keywords. Java provides two […] Continue reading »

Java Stream map() vs flatMap() Method

Java Stream is a powerful feature introduced in Java 8 that allows developers to process collections of data in a […] Continue reading »

Java Heap Memory vs Stack Memory: Understanding the Differences

On this page, we will explore the differences between Java Heap Memory vs Stack Memory and understand the difference. Java’s […] Continue reading »

Different ways to convert an Entity to a DTO in Java

In Java development, it is common to separate the concerns of the Data Layer (entity) and the presentation layer (DTO […] Continue reading »

Limitations of the var Keyword in Java

In this article, we will explore the limitations of the 'var' keyword in Java. While the 'var' keyword brings several […] Continue reading »

Java var Keyword: Enhancing Code Readability and Flexibility

With the release of Java 10, a 'var' keyword was introduced. The 'var' keyword allows developers to declare local variables […] Continue reading »

Java Just-In-Time (JIT) Compiler Overview

Java, a widely-used programming language, is renowned for its portability and ease of development. A crucial aspect behind its popularity […] Continue reading »

Java 8 Consumer and Supplier Example

Java 8 introduced several functional interfaces in the java.util.function package to support functional programming paradigms. Among these interfaces, Consumer and […] Continue reading »

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