Java Tutorials

Java 8- Count the occurrences of Character in String

In this Java 8 program, you will find how to  count the frequency of character in String using Stream API. […] Continue reading »

String intern() method in Java

In Java, the String class is one of the most fundamental classes, offering a wide array of methods to manipulate […] Continue reading »

ConcurrentModificationException in Java

ConcurrentModificationException is a runtime exception in Java that arises when multiple threads try to modify a collection at the same […] Continue reading »

Java transient Keyword

Java transient keyword allows developers to control the serialization process of Java objects. In this blog, we will explore the […] Continue reading »

Volatile Keyword in Java

In Java, the volatile keyword is used to declare a variable as volatile. When a variable is declared as volatile, […] Continue reading »

Functional Interface in Java 8

Java 8 introduced a significant enhancement known as lambda expressions, which allowed for more concise and expressive code. Alongside lambda […] Continue reading »

Java Atomic Variable

An atomic variable in Java refers to a variable that can be accessed and modified in a way that guarantees […] Continue reading »

forEach() vs. forEachOrdered() in Java Stream

When working with Java Streams, you often encounter situations where you need to apply a function to each element of […] Continue reading »

Finding a Specific Digit in a Number using Java

On this page, we’ll explore a simple yet common problem: finding a specific digit in a given number using Java. […] Continue reading »

Exploring the Optional in Java 8

Java 8 introduced several new features to the language, including the Optional class. This class was introduced to address the […] Continue reading »

Overview of Java 8 Date and Time API

Java 8 introduced a modern Date and Time API to address the shortcomings of the older java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar classes. […] Continue reading »

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