Posts related to tag: Java 8

Java Stream map() vs flatMap() Method

Java Stream is a powerful feature introduced in Java 8 that allows developers to process collections of data in a […] Continue reading »

Java 8 Consumer and Supplier Example

Java 8 introduced several functional interfaces in the java.util.function package to support functional programming paradigms. Among these interfaces, Consumer and […] Continue reading »

Java 8 Predicate vs Function: A Comparison with Examples

Java 8 introduced several new features to enhance the language’s functional programming capabilities. Among these features are Predicates and Functions, […] Continue reading »

Java- Return the Squares of a Sorted Array in Sorted Order

In this Java exercise, you have an integer array sorted in non-decreasing order, and you must return an array of […] Continue reading »

Java 8 Stream filter() Method Example

filter() method introduced in the Stream interface of Java 8 version under the package filter() method is an Intermediate […] Continue reading »

Java 8 Stream API allMatch(), anyMatch() and noneMatch() method Example

On this page, we will learn about Java 8 Stream API allMatch(), anyMatch() and noneMatch() method with an example. allMatch(), […] Continue reading »

Capitalize the first letter of each word in a String using Java

On this page, we will learn how to capitalize the first letter of each word in a String using Java. […] Continue reading »

Java – Capitalize the first letter of a String

In this short tutorial, you will get an idea of how to capitalize the first letter of a string. In […] Continue reading »

Java 8- Find the Average of List of Integers

In Java 8, the average() method of the DoubleStream interface calculate the average of the list of integers. 1. Stream […] Continue reading »

Different ways to iterate/loop a List of Integers in Java

In Java, you can iterate or loop a List object in different ways. In this short example, you will find […] Continue reading »

Java- Find the element in the List having maximum value

In Java 8, Stream API’s max method returns the maximum element of this stream according to the provided Comparator and […] Continue reading »

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