Posts related to tag: Java 8

Exploring the Optional in Java 8

Java 8 introduced several new features to the language, including the Optional class. This class was introduced to address the […] Continue reading »

Overview of Java 8 Date and Time API

Java 8 introduced a modern Date and Time API to address the shortcomings of the older java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar classes. […] Continue reading »

Lambda Expressions in Java 8

Java 8 brought a game-changing feature to the world of programming: lambda expressions. These concise and expressive constructs revolutionized the […] Continue reading »

Java 8 Default and Static Methods in Interfaces

Java 8 brought a significant enhancement to interfaces by introducing default and static methods. These additions allowed developers to evolve […] Continue reading »

Java 8 Stream generate() Method

In this article, we will explore the generate() method provided by Java 8 Stream API. The generate() method is a […] Continue reading »

Java 8 Collectors.groupingBy() Method Example

In this blog post, we will explore the Collectors.groupingBy() method, a valuable tool for grouping elements in a stream based […] Continue reading »

Find nth Largest elements from Integer List using Java Stream

To find the nth highest elements from an integer list using Java 8 Stream API, you can follow these steps: […] Continue reading »

Java 8 – Find Non Duplicate Elements from List

In Java 8, you can use the Stream API and lambda expression features to find the non-duplicates element from a […] Continue reading »

Java 8- Find the nth Highest Salary

In this short article, you will learn how to find the nth highest salary of an employee using Java Streams […] Continue reading »

Method Reference in Java 8

In Java, method reference is a feature introduced in Java 8 that allows you to refer to a method by […] Continue reading »

Java StringJoiner Class: Simplify String Concatenation

Java 8 introduced a new utility class called StringJoiner, which provides a convenient and expressive way to join strings together […] Continue reading »

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