Introduction, Pharmacological Action/Function, Regulation of release and Drawback of Progesterone in Pharmacy
Progesterone is a gonadal hormone secreted from corpus luteum cell
of ovarian follicle of female. It is steroidal in nature. Secretion of progesterone is controlled by LH (luteinizing hormone) of an anterior pituitary lobe of the pituitary gland.
Pharmacological action/function of Progesterone
There is the following function of progesterone…
- It involves the implantation of a fertilized ovum in endometrial cell.
- It also involves in the nourishment and protection of fertilized ovum.
- Helpful in the process of maturation of functional layer of endometrial cell of a uterus.
- Progesterone also helps in the development of mammary cell of the breast.
- It increases the body temperature.
- Progesterone is help in the maintenance of pregnancy after fertilized ovum.
Regulation of release of progesterone
Drawback/Disorder of progesterone
- Immature endometrial cell cause amnerrheoea (absence of menstrual period) and dysmenorrhoea (painful menstrual).
- Increase the abortive process.
- Enhance the ovulation process but ovum is immature.
- Cause unwanted retention of
Na & H2O
i.e. increase blood volume extracellular volume and cause hypertension and edema (swelling). - Increase in body weight.
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