Java Program for Tower of Hanoi Problem

In this article, we are going to solve the Tower of Hanoi problem using Java program. There are two approaches […]

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Securing Passwords with Spring Security Password Encoder

One of the critical aspects of application security is properly handling user passwords. Storing passwords in plain text or using […] Continue reading »

Simplify Data Access with Spring’s @Repository Annotation

In modern web development, efficient data access is crucial to building robust and scalable applications. The Spring Framework, with its […] Continue reading »

HashSet vs TreeSet in Java

HashSet vs TreeSet in Java- A Comparison of Set Implementations: The Set interface provides an unordered collection of unique elements […] Continue reading »

Difference between ArrayList and Vector in Java

ArrayList and Vector are two commonly used classes in Java that provide dynamic arrays. They are similar in many ways […] Continue reading »

Java- Return the Squares of a Sorted Array in Sorted Order

In this Java exercise, you have an integer array sorted in non-decreasing order, and you must return an array of […] Continue reading »

Java- Convert a Degree to Clock Time

Write a Java program to convert a degree to the clock time with hour: minute format. Assume if… Degree 0 […] Continue reading »

How to navigate to implementation in IntelliJ IDEA

This article will help, how quickly you can open the implementation of method. In IntelliJ IDEA, you can use the […] Continue reading »

IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts for equals() and hashCode()

In IntelliJ IDEA, you can use the Alt + Insert (Windows/Linux) or ⌘Cmd + N (macOS) shortcut keys to generate the hashCode() and equals() methods. You […] Continue reading »

IntelliJ IDEA- Generate Getter & Setter Shortcut Key

Alt + Insert (Windows/Linux) or ⌘Cmd + N (macOS) is the shortcut keys to generate the getter and setter of […] Continue reading »

How to schedule a Task in Java

In Java to run/execute a task periodically or at some interval, we can use the TimerTask class from its java.util […] Continue reading »

IntelliJ IDEA- View all exit points of method

In IntelliJ IDEA, Ctrl + Shift + F7 are the shortcut key to highlight all exit points of a method. […] Continue reading »

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