Find second index of a substring in a String in Java

In Java, we can use the overloaded method indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) of the String class to get the second index of a substring from a given string.

Find second index of a substring in a String in Java

The return type of indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) method is int and it will return -1 if there is no such occurrence found.

public int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex)

1. Java indexOf(String str, int fromIndex)

A complete Java example to find the second occurrence of a substring in a string.
package org.websparrow;

public class SecondIndex {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Test Case 1
        final String str1 = "I am a software developer and I love technology.";
        int result1 = getSecondIndex(str1, "I"); // 30

        // Test Case 2
        final String str2 = "Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum";
        int result2 = getSecondIndex(str2, "m"); // 10

        // Test Case 3
        final String str3 = "Live and Let Live";
        int result3 = getSecondIndex(str3, "n"); // -1

    private static int getSecondIndex(final String str, final String subStr) {
        return str.indexOf(subStr, str.indexOf(subStr) + 1);



2. Apache Commons Lang 3, StringUtils

Alternatively, we can use the Apache commons-lang3 library, StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf(CharSequence str, CharSequence searchStr, int ordinal); API to get the second index of a substring from a given string.

package org.websparrow;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

public class SecondIndexApache {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Test Case 1
        final String str1 = "I am a software developer and I love technology.";
        int result1 = StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf(str1, "I", 2); // 30

        // Test Case 2
        final String str2 = "Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum";
        int result2 = StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf(str2, "m", 2); // 10

        // Test Case 3
        final String str3 = "Live and Let Live";
        int result3 = StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf(str3, "n", 2); // -1



3. References

  1. Java- String.indexOf
  2. Apache Commons Lang 3- StringUtils

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Atul Rai
I love sharing my experiments and ideas with everyone by writing articles on the latest technological trends. Read all published posts by Atul Rai.