Python Tutorials

Python- Dictionary.get(“key”) vs. Dictionary[“key”]

The difference between dictionary.get("key") and dictionary["key"] in Python lies in how they handle missing keys: 1. dictionary[“key”] Raises a KeyError […] Continue reading »

Merge Two Dictionaries in Python

To merge two dictionaries in Python, you can use several methods. Here are a few common ways: 1. Using the […] Continue reading »

Python Dictionary with Examples

A dictionary in Python is a collection of key-value pairs. Each key is unique and is used to access the […] Continue reading »

Find Non-Duplicate Elements from List in Python

In Python, you can achive find non-duplicate elements from List as following: 1. For Integer List nums = [1, 4, […] Continue reading »

Python – Find digits in a given Number

To find out if a specific number (e.g., 5) is available in a given number (e.g., 12345678), you can use […] Continue reading »

Setting Up a Python Development Environment on Windows, Mac, and Linux

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language used in a wide range of applications, from web development to data […] Continue reading »