IntelliJ IDEA- Import/Open multiple project in single Window

IntelliJ IDEA does not support to open the multiple project in same working window directly. But it can be possible […]

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Struts 2 and Jasper Report Integration Example

This struts 2 tutorials explain how to integrate Jasper iReport in your dynamic web application to generate the PDF report. […] Continue reading »

How to parse XML in Java

In this tutorial, we will read the XML file via DOM XML parser using Java program. DOM parser loads the […] Continue reading »

How to Remove php, html Extension from URL using htaccess

Most of the time web developer does not want to show the file extension in URL. Now the problem is […] Continue reading »

Struts 2 and MySQL Database Connectivity Example

This Struts 2 tutorial explains how to connect with the database using the Struts 2 Framework and save the details […] Continue reading »

The superclass “javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet” was not found on the Java Build Path

Most of the time Java Web Developers are facing the problem that javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet was not found in Java Build Path while […] Continue reading »

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