Atul Rai
I love sharing my experiments and ideas with everyone by writing articles on the latest technological trends.

How to create new role and grant permission to role in JasperReports Server

In this tutorial, we are going to show how to create a new role inJasperReports Server. By creating a new […] Continue reading »

How to create user in JasperReports Server

In this tutorial, we are going to show how to add a new user inJasperReports Server. JasperReports Server manages the […] Continue reading »

How to display Image in JSP from database using Struts 2

In this Struts 2 tutorials we are going to retrieve the images from database and display on JSP pages. As […] Continue reading »

How to get System Information in Java

In this article, we will get the system details using Java program. Sometimes we need we need to display or […] Continue reading »

How to upload Image in database using Struts 2

In this tutorial, we are going to explain how to Upload/Insert images in the database using Struts 2. First of […] Continue reading »

How to insert line number in file using Java

In this example, we are going to show to add Line Number in a file using java program. Here we […] Continue reading »

How to Encrypt and Decrypt data in Java

In this tutorial we are going to explain how to Encrypt and Decrypt plain text data in a simple way. […] Continue reading »

How to calculate difference between two dates in Java

On this page, we are going to calculate the difference between two dates. Sometimes we have a requirement in our […] Continue reading »

How to Read and Write Excel file in Java

In this tutorial, we will explain How to Read and Write Excel file in Java using JExcel API. Let’s see the […] Continue reading »

How to send data from JSP to Struts action class using jQuery Ajax

This tutorial will explain the detail of How to send the Form value from JSP to Action class using Ajax. […] Continue reading »

Server Tomcat Server at localhost failed to start in Eclipse

On this page, you will get the complete solution to how to resolve Tomcat Server at localhost failed to start. […] Continue reading »

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