Check HashSet contains element case insensitive in Java

In this example, we will show you how to check HashSet contains element case insensitive in Java. contains() method of […]

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Spring Bean Life Cycle Management Example

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to interact with the container’s management of beans life cycle or what is […] Continue reading »

Spring static variable dependency injection example

In Spring framework, injecting values for static variable or field direct approach is not useful. In the all previous example, […] Continue reading »

JavaScript- Generate Random Number and Cryptography Secure Random Number

On this page, we will learn how to generate random numbers and cryptography secure random number using JavaScript. JavaScript is […] Continue reading »

Spring 5 auto scanning using @Component annotation and XML configuration

Spring framework has the functionality to auto-detect or auto scan the bean’s classes for injection using @Component annotation. @Component is a […] Continue reading »

Spring 5 @Qualifier annotation example

To resolve the autowiring conflicts we can use the Spring @Qualifier annotation, when multiple beans of the same type available […] Continue reading »

Spring @Autowired Annotation Example

Spring autowiring using @Autowired annotation will inject dependent beans automatically. In the last tutorial, we have learned autowiring through the […] Continue reading »

JavaScript Desktop Notification Example

JavaScript desktop notification helps you to engage your current visitor or audience on your website or app. It is also […] Continue reading »

Spring Autowiring Example using XML

In the Spring framework, autowiring enable you for automatic dependency injection. The Spring container can autowire relationship between collaborating beans. […] Continue reading »

Spring c-namespace example

Spring c-namespace is used to inject the constructor-based dependency injection. It is similar to p-namespace as described previous tutorial. The […] Continue reading »

Spring p-namespace example

In the Spring framework, p-namespace is used to inject setter-based dependency. The p-namespace is XML shortcut and reduce the numbers […] Continue reading »

Spring depends on attribute example

If a bean has a dependency of another bean and you want to initialize the dependent bean first, the depends-on […] Continue reading »

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